Minerva WealthcareSo what’s making YOU ‘lose heart’ in YOUR finances game?

Does this sound familiar?

  • I’m working flat-out, I just don’t have the time
  • Administration of my financial affairs is tiresome and confusing
  • Red tape and endless paper chasing

It doesn’t have to be like this: you should act now to set up a game plan, before time and money slip away.

If you can’t operate on yourself (!), it’s much better to get someone who can, preferably a full-time professional.

At Minerva WealthCare Consultancy, our goal is to help you to have a better understanding of the basic rules of the finances game, which is simply:

  • To have access to money when you need it
  • To increase your wealth to provide for really living (treating you and your family to the things you want) and
  • Not dying with too much money.

In other words keeping your hard earned money for you while you are alive and as much as possible for your loved ones in the event of your death.

Just as doctors help people take care of their mental and physical health – we help our clients care for the health of their wealth.

There are often simple solutions to what you may think are complicated problems, you just need to find out the answers, preferably from someone who has the relevant knowledge or deals with your concerns on a day to day basis, like us at Minerva.

The Advice Process

Business Process

Speak to us

Speak to us

You can call us to arrange a meeting with one of our consultants.

020 8360 7979

Savio is like my financial GP. He did my first financial health check some 20 years ago when I emerged from medical school. Over the years he has got to know me and seen my career and family grow.  He is always available to provide sound advice in intelligible language.

Dr Riaz Jetha, Partner GP Surgery, Catford, South London

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Contact Minerva Wealthcare

To discuss how Minerva Wealthcare can help you or to arrange an initial consultation, contact us today

020 8360 7979

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