Improving Lifestyles

Minerva WealthcareIs it down to luck that our health is improving or that we are living longer?

It’s actually thanks to our improved fitness, healthier living and help from skilled health professionals.

However, with improving lifestyles and increasing longevity, the cost of living will be higher and for longer!

You need a Game Plan.


Having a ‘Game Plan’ to match finances to improving health, longevityand lifestyle is really necessary and far too important to be left to luck.

The problem is if you haven’t been given guidance on matching finances to living – for example, when, where and how you start, you won’t know how well you’re doing until you are able to compare yourself with someone who has:  by which time you could have lost out on early gains.

No matter how simple your ‘Game Plan’ is, you should take action sooner because early gains make a big, big, difference later...

It will save you time to get guidance from a professional financial planner to help you take the first steps or review what you already have in place. It’s like throwing a 6 to get started.


Playing the financial game

Minerva WealthcareGetting to know the rules of the game will make a difference between winning and losing or just playing (and getting bored).

We all know that we have to control our finances or else they control us! So, you need to get a grip on them and ‘make your luck’: here are some basic rules to get started (we’ve used the popular game of Monopoly to illustrate).


Rule 1Position: understand the purpose of the game so you position yourself by buying properties in the best possible places. Like many board games - your game is easier to play if you can visualise where you are on the board.

Rule 2 Balance: have a balanced approach: if you hold back your money only waiting for choice properties, you may never succeed in buying anything. It might be better to buy property in different lanes to help you negotiate in the future.

Rule 3 Coordination: coordinate your efforts to make the most of your position and balanced approach (try to get street sets to occupy parts of the board).

Rule 4 Review and build on what you have (build houses and hotels).


We can help
There are often simple solutions to what you may think are complicated problems, you just need to know what to ask, preferably from someone who has the knowledge or deals with your concern on a day to day basis.

To bring certainty in an uncertain world and have a lifestyle which justifies your efforts, sacrifice and what you deserve, contact us today to arrange an initial review to set an action plan.

Early gains now will make a bigger difference later, you should do it immediately before time and money slip away.

Just as doctors help people take care of their mental and physical health – we help our clients care for the health of their lump sums and income so that they can do the things they want to do - whether buying a new home, educating their children or affording that great holiday – the things that make them better off!

Veronica Pride, Stroud, Gloucester

We discovered Savio Santimano through another GP colleague many years ago and we are so delighted that we did. First of all, he helped us through a difficult time at my husband, Andrew's, previous GP practice and...."

Dr Duncan Wells, GP, Brighton

"I am a busy GP in my forties and have known Savio since I was a house officer, many years ago. During this time he has guided me through numerous financial dilemmas and I have come to trust his advice based on results ...”

Susan McCann, Clacton, Essex

“Previous investments in the pension funds were displaying static or very little growth and with Savio's advice five years ago, I switched to a new fund that has grown by more than 40%, even after using a low risk to..."

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To discuss how Minerva Wealthcare can help you or to arrange an initial consultation, contact us today

020 8360 7979

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